“Anything that’s human is mention-able, and anything that is mention-able can be more manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary. The people we trust with that important talk can help us know that we are not alone.” ― Fred Rogers
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Self-Care Resources
Visual tool that indicates factors that can lead to the experience of post-traumatic growth after experiencing trauma, including bruttaly honest optimism, perception of control over events, coping style, and strong sense of self.
Self-Care Tips for Helpers
This document is for helpers looking for self-care tips. The resource suggests 12 tips to battle compassion, fatigue, and tips for supervisors.
UB School of Social Work Self-Care Toolkit and Information
The University at Buffalo School of Social Work has developed a self-care toolkit for individuals in the field to help them care for themselves as they care for others. There are tools and resources for every step in the process—self-assessments, worksheets for creating a self-care plan, tips for self-care in the workplace, etc.